Unit 6 Lesson 14 - Continued:
Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
*Today you will show how well you understand addition and subtraction within 1,000 by making a drawing and writing an equation to solve word problems.
- Turn to page 353 in your math workbook.
- Watch the video of Miss Mikle and work along with her. (Hint: Miss Mikle will be helping you to set up word problems, but you will need to finish the work to find the final answer.) Math U6.14 #2 Mixed Add. & Sub. Word Problems
- Do page 354 on your own. There are only 4 problems. Just try your Best! :) (Hint: Remember to use reading skills to “Stop and Think and Check for Understanding.” Think about what’s going on in the problem.)
Day 3 (5/28): Start research on your own “living thing” topic!
- WATCH THE VIDEO to learn about the research project and how to take notes.
- Click here to see the information again about the Life Cycle of Living Things Research Project. (Miss Mikle went through it on the video so if you understand what to do, you don’t need to click on the link.)
- Go back to the original Science Activity where you got this assignment, and click on the green “+Add Response” button. Next, click on your name, and the “Living Thing Research” planner template will pop up.
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