Reading: Unit 4 Session 12: Authors Plan Their Story Endings
* You have been learning different ways that authors get “crafty” with their writing. Today you will learn one more way that you can become an expert on author’s craft.
1. Watch the video where Mrs. Bender explains how authors plan their story endings so readers can learn lessons from the story.
2. Continue to notice the author’s craft in the book you read today. When you finish your book, ask…
*Why did the author end the book this way?
*What lesson am I supposed to learn?
****If you are not close to finishing your book, you can choose to reread the ending of a book you already finished OR read a shorter book today.
3. Post to SeeSaw your ideas about what lesson you think the author wants you to learn from the story.
If you need a refresher on literary language, use the link below to see some:
Unit 6 Lesson 10:
Subtract from Numbers with Zeros
*Today you will observe the top number more closely to decide if you need to ungroup! This is especially important when you need to subtract from a place value that has a zero! (“You can’t take anything from zero… UNGROUP!)
1.Turn to page 341 in your math workbook. Watch the video and do the problems along with Miss Mikle. Math U6.10 Subtract from Numbers with Zeros.
2. Do page 342. Make proof drawings only for numbers 6, 8, and 10.
3. Record yourself on SeeSaw explaining the Check Understanding.
4. When you have finished the whole page, submit a Good picture to SeeSaw.
Opinion Writing:
This week you’ve been writing your opinion to this question: What is your opinion about something you could change at Suamico Elementary School? Today’s focus is on the Ending and polishing your writing so that it is your best piece of opinion writing yet! Follow the steps to make sure you have everything you need:
1.Reread what you’ve written for your beginning and middle. Take a moment to fix any spelling errors & make sure you have correct punctuation.
2. Write your ending. Remember, it should be one or more sentences that brings your piece of writing to a close. Do this by restating your point of view in some way with a final thought or feeling. (Example: “Clearly, I believe that Suamico Elementary should have a longer lunch time as it is important for children to eat slowly and take time to socialize.”
3. Polish your piece of writing. Remember, this should be your best piece of opinion writing yet! Use the OREO format checklist below to make sure you included ALL the parts of opinion writing. You might also want to practice reading it aloud to a sibling, pet, or adult before submitting it. One of the easiest ways to spot errors is to read over your work before saying it’s done. Remember our phrase, “When you’re done, you’ve just begun!”
4. Share your opinion writing with me on SeeSaw. I can’t wait to read it!
***Use this Opinion Writing Resources for 2nd Grade for all of the videos, charts, and examples we’ve used so far for learning about Opinion Writing!
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