I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! We sure got lucky with great weather! :) I wanted to give you all a heads-up on changes for the next two weeks. All 2nd grade students will be given only two assignments each day: Science and Math. There will be no formal lessons for Reading and Writing. Instead, both will be done naturally within the Science lessons. (We've got some fun lessons planned for the unit we missed on Life Cycles.) Next week will be the last week we'll be working in our Math workbook. After that, students will be learning about fractions in a fun way! As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
I hope you all have a wonderful week,
Ms. Anderson
Unit 6 Lesson 13:
Opposite Operation to Check Answers
*Today you will practice addition and subtraction with 3-digit numbers, and use the relationship between the two to check your answers! (Remember those Math Mountains?)
- Turn to page 350 in your math workbook.
- Watch the video of Miss Mikle teaching you how to use the opposite operation to check your answers! Math U6.13 Relate Addition and Subtraction
- Finish page 350.
- Submit it to SeeSaw when you are done.
Day 1: Life Cycle of a Butterfly
- Watch the video from BrainPopJr to build background knowledge.
- Pick one or more books to read to learn more about the life of a butterfly!
- Go to EPIC and see books in the collection of the Life Cycle of Butterfly
- BookFlix - Waiting for Wings & Butterflies (Username: suamico Password: bookflix)
- Click on two or more links below to go deeper into your learning!
- DK - Butterfly Life Cycle (interactive diagram)
- DK - Caterpillar (Interactive diagram)
- YouTube Video - : Monarch Molting - 29 seconds
- Life Cycle of a Butterfly - Great Slideshow Presentation!
Do Assignment in SeeSaw: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Activity on SeeSaw------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Magic Schoolbus: Butterfly and the Bog Beast (This is on DE so students must log into google account to access video)
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