Reading: Session 4
Series Book Readers Grow to Understand the Characters
*Because you are becoming an expert on the character in your series books, you can understand that character like you understand your best friend! You can think, ‘Why did he___?’ or ‘Why did she ___?’ and then you can think of answers, too.
1. Click on the link below and read the yellow pages. Watch the video on the second yellow slide for today’s reading lesson:
Grow to Understand the Characters
2. When you read today, as experts of characters, you want to…
Notice what they are doing, saying and feeling
Then, ask a why question and jot it on a Post-it note.
Next, use all that you know about the character to try to answer that question.
*If you finish reading your first book in your series, feel free to move on to your next book.
Begin Unit 6 Lesson 7: Discuss 3-Digit Addition
Today you will be working on adding 3-digit addition problems. The problems allow you a choice of how you solve them and which strategy you use, as long as you can show your work.
1. Watch the video from Ms. Anderson and complete page 329. Math 6.7
2. Do page 330 on your own.
3. Record your answer for the Check for Understanding and submit it back to me on SeeSaw.
Opinion Writing:
Today I want to teach you that when writers recommend a book to friends, they ask themselves, “What do my friends need to know about the book to understand why they should read it?”
*Today you will focus on writing the middle of your opinion piece of writing! (**Please do not go ahead.**)
1.Watch the video of Miss Mikle showing you the difference between “Weak and Awesome Middles” of opinion writing.
2.Reread the Hook/Lead and opinion statement that you wrote yesterday to this question: What book or series do you think other 2nd Graders “Must Read”?
3. Now you need to support your opinion with reasons and details/evidence from the book.
(Hint: Why do you think second graders must read this book?)
*Use the chart below to help you reflect on your book or book series.
*Remember, your middle needs at least two paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: *Write a sentence that tells one reason why your friends must read your book. Then explain that reason!
Paragraph 2: State another reason why you think others should read your book. Then explain that reason.
4.Read over your work when you’re done. You do NOT need to submit it to SeeSaw until the final day / part of writing.
***Use this Opinion Writing Resources For 2nd Grade for ALL of the videos, charts, and examples we’ve used so far for Opinion Writing!
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