Unit 6 Lesson 14:
Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
*Today you will show how well you understand addition and subtraction within 1,000 by making a drawing and writing an equation to solve word problems.
- Turn to page 351 in your math workbook.
- Watch the video of Miss Mikle and work along with her. (Hint: Miss Mikle will be helping you to set up word problems, but you will need to finish the work to find the final answer.) Math U6.14 #1 Mixed Add. & Sub. Word Problems
- Do page 352 on your own. There are only 4 problems. Just try your Best! :) (Hint: Remember to use reading skills to “Stop and Think and Check for Understanding.” Think about what’s going on in the problem.)
Day 2: Life Cycle of a Frog
- Watch the video from BrainPopJr to build background knowledge.
- Pick one or more books to read to learn more about the life of a butterfly!
- Go to EPIC to see books in the Life Cycle of a Frog Collection
- BookFlix - A Tadpole Grows Up - (Username: suamico Password: bookflix)
- PebbleGo - Frogs (Username: hssd, Password: hssd)
- Click on two or more links below to go deeper into your learning!
- Dis. Ed. - Life Cycle of a Frog - Video - 2 min.
Do Assignment in SeeSaw: Life Cycle of a Frog Activity
Optional Activities:
Choose between these two Discovery Ed. Videos: Students must log into their Google Account to access video.
Magic Schoolbus: Gets Planted (About the life cycle of a plant.)
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