Reading: Author’s Craft (Part 1)
You have been working hard at becoming experts on your series books, learning all you can about the characters and what’s happening in each story.
This week when you read, you will be paying attention to what the author is doing on the page… the author’s craft.
1. Watch the video and listen as Mrs. Bender explains two things that authors do on purpose to make their stories even better.
2. Today when you read in your series book…
*Notice places where the author uses words that paint a picture in your mind
*Pay attention to precise words the author uses to help you understand the story better.
*Use a Post-it note to flag the things you notice the author doing.
3. Take a picture of a page you flagged where the author helped you “picture something in your mind” and submit it to SeeSaw.
Unit 6 Lesson 9: Subtract from Hundreds NumbersToday you will be reviewing subtraction of 3-digit numbers.
1. Have your parents see the "Family Letter" on page 337.
2.Turn to page 339 in your math workbook. Watch the video and do the problems along with Miss Mikle. You will be reviewing 4 different methods of subtraction.
Math 6.9
4. Submit pages 335-336 to SeeSaw when you are finished.
Opinion Writing:
Again this week, we are going to write only one high quality piece of writing. Each day will focus on a different part so that you can put more time and effort into each part!
*Writers share their “opinions” of topics and ideas, in the hopes of convincing others of something important or making positive changes in our community.
This week, please select one of the ideas from the list, or come up with your own idea, to share your opinion about something that you think would make a positive change at Suamico Elementary.
Use the link for ideas: Ideas for Change at Suamico
1.Today, focus on the beginning of your writing piece. (**Please do not go ahead.**) Review any of the videos from past weeks where Ms. Mikle taught you how to write awesome beginnings.
Also, remember that your BEGINNING paragraph should have these two parts:
- A Hook to Lead your readers into your topic. *Really put some thought into your Hook/Lead! *(See Review Hook/Lead Examples )
- Next, write your opinion statement after your hook/lead.
2. When you are finished, reread your writing, but do NOT submit your writing to SeeSaw. (You will submit it on Thursday or Friday when you are finished.)
*If you need to look at some examples of Beginnings, check out the link: Opinion Writing Resources For 2nd Grade. The bottom row has both teacher and student examples.
Mark your calendars: Mystery Science Live Event on Thursday at noon.
Also, continue to browse and try the activities that were sent by the specialists on Monday.
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