Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3-31-20 Science Lesson

Hi 2nd Graders! If you're having trouble accessing the Mystery Doug video on our SeeSaw account today, here is an extra copy of the link:

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns! :) 

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Hi Families!
This is just a quick reminder to make sure that you and your children are all checking in with SeeSaw. If you need an extra QR code to get access, please do not hesitate to contact me! My email is 

If at any time you need help understanding anything during journey of online school, please contact me! :) 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

While you wait...

2nd Graders and 2nd Grade families,

I hope you're all doing well and feeling well! I miss you already! I'm at school today working with Ms. Mikle and Mrs. Bender to create a plan for our digital learning days coming up. So far, I'm excited for the activities that we are working on for you! The first day of digital "school" will take place on Monday, March 30th. Starting on that day, I will be posting assignments and updates via SeeSaw daily before 9:00 am.  There will be "must do" assignments in the areas of math, writing and reading. There will also be some "may do" activities that you can choose to work on.  I will do a digital test via SeeSaw to connect with all of you by the end of this week (hopefully sooner).  

If at any time you have questions or concerns throughout our time apart, please do not hesitate to message me on SeeSaw or send me an email. (alexande@hssdschools.org). I will be checking them both as often as possible. 

Also, if your student was not at school on Monday, I have gathered his or her iPad, cord and block, math workbook, art boxes, and writers notebooks and placed them next to their hooks in the hallway. Please feel free to come to school and grab it anytime today between 12 and 5. 

Thanks so much, 
Ms. Anderson

Image result for digital learning clipart for kids

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wax Museum

The 2nd graders did a fantastic job with their Wax Museum projects! I loved seeing all of the fantastic outfits and enjoyed listening to them present all of the information they learned about their people to their Paws Pals and other adults in the building! Great job, 2nd graders!

Updates and Reminders

The 2nd graders sure have been busy lately! 

*In reading, students are still working on their fluency. We are working on scooping up phrases that make sense together, making our voices match the feelings and moods of the characters, and paying attention to punctuation. I appreciate all of you that are practicing this with your children at home!

*In writing, did a fun writing project on "How to Catch a Leprechaun." We have also started our poetry unit! Students got to try out writing a poem about things they are lucky for.

*We have started a new science unit on magnets! Students have learned that opposite sides attract and same sides repel. Students have also learned that magnets are in a lot more products than the initially thought. Be sure to ask them at home what surprising things magnets can be found in.

Image result for st patricks day clipart*In math, students are still working hard on multi-digit subtraction with regrouping. This remains a tricky concept for many 2nd graders, so I recommend as much practice at home as possible. Students have also been working on solving money problems involving dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. Be sure to quiz your 2nd grader on the value of these coins and if possible, practice adding multiple coins together. 

*With all of the illnesses and sicknesses going around, we have been taking extra precautions in our classroom. We have been talking about the importance of washing hands for at least 20 seconds, sneezing into sleeves, and we have even watched a special "Mystery Doug" video on germs. Additionally, we have been sanitizing our desks and table tops at least every other day. We have gone through a LOT of Clorox wipes... but it's worth it! If you would like to donate any hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes for our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated and well used!  Please see additional information on the flu, coronavirus and other illnesses sent out by the district in your e-mail. 

*Remember that there is no school for students tomorrow, Friday, March 13th.

*Next Tuesday, March 17th is St. Patrick's Day! Please allow your child to wear green to help us celebrate. 
Image result for st patricks day clipartImage result for st patricks day clipart

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Dress Up Days


*Tomorrow, we are having "Wacky Wednesday" in honor of "Read Across America" week and Dr. Seuss's book, "Wacky Wednesday." The 2nd graders are welcome to wear mis-matched clothing, crazy hair-do's, clothing inside out, etc.

*This Thursday is our "Wax Museum." The 2nd graders have been working hard! We will have the wax museum in the afternoon. It is up to you if you would like your child to come to school dressed in character or if you would like them to change after lunch and recess. 

*This Friday, March 6th, we will conclude Read Across America week with pajama day!

*Tuesday, March 17th is St. Patrick's Day. Please allow your child to wear green on that day. :)