*This week you worked on checking your answers by using the opposite operation and solving word problems with addition and subtraction up to 1,000.
*If you completed the assigned math pages this week (pages 350, 351-354), spend time today or this weekend practicing math facts or playing a math fact game.
*Keep in mind, you need to know your basic math facts of addition and subtraction by the time you enter 3rd Grade. Your goal as a 2nd grader is to be able to do 30 problems in 3 minutes!
*You keep doing those math facts now and over the summer and you’ll be in great shape for 3rd Grade! Knowing your addition and subtraction facts will help you greatly with understanding the multiplication and division concepts.
Science / Life Cycles / Living Thing Research:
This week you learned about the life cycle of butterflies and frogs. You also started learning about the life cycle of a living thing of your choice. Today you will continue to research and learn about that living thing.
Day 4: Continue Research
Miss Mikle worked hard on her research about Ostriches! She decided to have GRIT and went to every research site from the list at the top of the planner in hopes of learning more about her topic. Sometimes she got a lot of new information from a website or book. But other times she learned only 1 or 2 new ideas to add to her notes.
1. Check out Miss Mikle’s research in the link.
2. Notice 2 things: She jotted very few words when she took notes AND she cited her resources!
Ostriches - Living Thing Research Video
(*Keep in mind, the notes you record on your planner do NOT need to be typed.)
3. Continue your research. Use the Research Planner to help focus and organize your learning. Be sure to have 2 or more resources sited on your planner.
**Keep in mind you will only have next Tuesday (June 2) to continue to gather information about your topic. Next Wednesday (June 3) and Thursday (June 4) you will work demonstrating your learning /or showing what you have learned. Your project will need to be posted by the end of the day on Friday (June 5).
Don't forget about our Google Meet show and tell today from 11:00-11:30! :) Mrs. Lueck will be joining us again! Hope to see you there!