This week you worked on fractions. If your assignments are finished, then please practice your basic addition and subtraction facts. (Flashcards, games, websites we used in class, etc.)
*Keep in mind, you need to know your basic math facts of addition and subtraction by the time you enter 3rd Grade. Your goal as a 2nd grader is to be able to do 30 problems in 3 minutes.
*Keep doing those math facts over the summer and you’ll be in great shape for 3rd Grade! (Hint: Knowing your addition and subtraction facts will help you greatly with understanding the multiplication and division concepts!)
*Demonstrate Your Learning and share your project! Finish your project! Be sure to read and look everything over carefully before you submit it!
Share on SeeSaw Journal so that your friends can check out all your hard work! (This might work after your projects have been "approved." If you're having difficulties seeing your friend's projects, it may be due to the district's restrictions on SeeSaw for privacy. Let me know what you see today, but don't worry if you aren't able to see other's work. I can't see what you see on my end, so it would be helpful to hear back from you.)
If possible, comment on two or more of your classmates’ projects.
Don't forget about our Friday Show and Tell from 11:00-11:30.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
6-4-20 Activities
- Check out this video of fractions as equal parts and sets! - Miss Mikle Finds Fractions Everywhere!
- Have fun finding fractions around your house! Take pictures and label the fractions. Share your work on SeeSaw. (Hint: Use Pic Collage to gather your pics in one place.)
Optional resources that teach you even more about fractions!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Science: Day 7: Demonstrate your learning and share your project!
**Please read even if you have already submitted your work! :)
1. Finish your project! Be sure to read and look everything over carefully before you submit it!
*Check out Miss Mikle’s Demonstration of her learning: Example
2. Share on SeeSaw journal (instead of in response to this activity) so that your friends can check out all your hard work!
*If you already submitted your final project, as many of you have, please post it again to the blog. :)
3. Comment on at least 2 of your classmate's projects with something new you have learned. (I'm crossing my fingers that this works for us! :))
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
6-3-20 Activities
- Watch this BrainPopJr. Video to learn how to write fractions of a whole and fractions of a set:
- More Fractions (Username: suwi Password: hssd)
See Saw activity
Day 6: Begin working on Demonstrating Your Learning!
- Choose the way that you’d like to demonstrate and teach others what you have learned.
- Ideas may be: Book Creator, Google Slides, Explain Everything, a poster, a paper book, a crafted model of some sort, etc.
- Include the information you gathered on your research planner into your demonstration.
**Hint: The more effort and details you put into your project, the better it will be! (Write detailed sentences, record your voice, do a video demonstration, add graphics, draw pictures, do neat writing / coloring, etc.)
**Keep in mind you will only have today and tomorrow to work on your demonstration. Your project will need to be posted by the end of the day on Friday (June 5).
I want to give you a head's up that we will be having our Friday Show & Tell this week on Friday from 11:00-11:30. I'm hoping you all can make it this week! :) Feel free to bring something to show and tell such as a pet, book, toy, plant that's growing in your backyard, etc.
Let me know if you have any questions! :)
Love, Ms. Anderson
Monday, June 1, 2020
6-2-20 Activities
- Intro. To Fractions: Watch BrainPopJr. - Basic Parts of a Whole(Username: suwi Password: hssd)
- See Saw activity is shared in the Suamico folder in SeeSaw----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Science (Must do!):DAY 5 : CONTINUE RESEARCH - (This assignment is the same as Day 4!)
- Miss Mikle worked hard on her research about Ostriches! She decided to have GRIT and went to every research site from the list above in hopes of learning more about her topic! Sometimes she got a lot of new information from a website or book. But other times she learned only 1 or 2 new ideas to add to her notes.
- Check out Miss Mikle’s research - linked below!
Notice 2 things: She jotted very few words when she took notes AND she cited her resources!
- Continue your research! Use the Research Planner to help focus and organize your learning. Be sure to have 2 or more resources sited on your planner.
**Keep in mind you will only have today to continue your research! Tomorrow and Thursday you’ll work on your demonstration. Your project will need to be posted by the end of the day on Friday (June 5).
Thursday, May 28, 2020
5-29-20 Activities
*This week you worked on checking your answers by using the opposite operation and solving word problems with addition and subtraction up to 1,000.
*If you completed the assigned math pages this week (pages 350, 351-354), spend time today or this weekend practicing math facts or playing a math fact game.
*Keep in mind, you need to know your basic math facts of addition and subtraction by the time you enter 3rd Grade. Your goal as a 2nd grader is to be able to do 30 problems in 3 minutes!
*You keep doing those math facts now and over the summer and you’ll be in great shape for 3rd Grade! Knowing your addition and subtraction facts will help you greatly with understanding the multiplication and division concepts.
*This week you worked on checking your answers by using the opposite operation and solving word problems with addition and subtraction up to 1,000.
*If you completed the assigned math pages this week (pages 350, 351-354), spend time today or this weekend practicing math facts or playing a math fact game.
*Keep in mind, you need to know your basic math facts of addition and subtraction by the time you enter 3rd Grade. Your goal as a 2nd grader is to be able to do 30 problems in 3 minutes!
*You keep doing those math facts now and over the summer and you’ll be in great shape for 3rd Grade! Knowing your addition and subtraction facts will help you greatly with understanding the multiplication and division concepts.
5-29-20 Science (Must-Do!)
Science / Life Cycles / Living Thing Research:
This week you learned about the life cycle of butterflies and frogs. You also started learning about the life cycle of a living thing of your choice. Today you will continue to research and learn about that living thing.
Day 4: Continue Research
Miss Mikle worked hard on her research about Ostriches! She decided to have GRIT and went to every research site from the list at the top of the planner in hopes of learning more about her topic. Sometimes she got a lot of new information from a website or book. But other times she learned only 1 or 2 new ideas to add to her notes.
1. Check out Miss Mikle’s research in the link.
2. Notice 2 things: She jotted very few words when she took notes AND she cited her resources!
Ostriches - Living Thing Research Video
(*Keep in mind, the notes you record on your planner do NOT need to be typed.)
3. Continue your research. Use the Research Planner to help focus and organize your learning. Be sure to have 2 or more resources sited on your planner.
**Keep in mind you will only have next Tuesday (June 2) to continue to gather information about your topic. Next Wednesday (June 3) and Thursday (June 4) you will work demonstrating your learning /or showing what you have learned. Your project will need to be posted by the end of the day on Friday (June 5).
Don't forget about our Google Meet show and tell today from 11:00-11:30! :) Mrs. Lueck will be joining us again! Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
5-28-20 Activities
Unit 6 Lesson 14 - Continued:
Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
*Today you will show how well you understand addition and subtraction within 1,000 by making a drawing and writing an equation to solve word problems.
- Turn to page 353 in your math workbook.
- Watch the video of Miss Mikle and work along with her. (Hint: Miss Mikle will be helping you to set up word problems, but you will need to finish the work to find the final answer.) Math U6.14 #2 Mixed Add. & Sub. Word Problems
- Do page 354 on your own. There are only 4 problems. Just try your Best! :) (Hint: Remember to use reading skills to “Stop and Think and Check for Understanding.” Think about what’s going on in the problem.)
Day 3 (5/28): Start research on your own “living thing” topic!
- WATCH THE VIDEO to learn about the research project and how to take notes.
- Click here to see the information again about the Life Cycle of Living Things Research Project. (Miss Mikle went through it on the video so if you understand what to do, you don’t need to click on the link.)
- Go back to the original Science Activity where you got this assignment, and click on the green “+Add Response” button. Next, click on your name, and the “Living Thing Research” planner template will pop up.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
5-27-20 Activities
Unit 6 Lesson 14:
Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
*Today you will show how well you understand addition and subtraction within 1,000 by making a drawing and writing an equation to solve word problems.
- Turn to page 351 in your math workbook.
- Watch the video of Miss Mikle and work along with her. (Hint: Miss Mikle will be helping you to set up word problems, but you will need to finish the work to find the final answer.) Math U6.14 #1 Mixed Add. & Sub. Word Problems
- Do page 352 on your own. There are only 4 problems. Just try your Best! :) (Hint: Remember to use reading skills to “Stop and Think and Check for Understanding.” Think about what’s going on in the problem.)
Day 2: Life Cycle of a Frog
- Watch the video from BrainPopJr to build background knowledge.
- Pick one or more books to read to learn more about the life of a butterfly!
- Go to EPIC to see books in the Life Cycle of a Frog Collection
- BookFlix - A Tadpole Grows Up - (Username: suamico Password: bookflix)
- PebbleGo - Frogs (Username: hssd, Password: hssd)
- Click on two or more links below to go deeper into your learning!
- Dis. Ed. - Life Cycle of a Frog - Video - 2 min.
Do Assignment in SeeSaw: Life Cycle of a Frog Activity
Optional Activities:
Choose between these two Discovery Ed. Videos: Students must log into their Google Account to access video.
Magic Schoolbus: Gets Planted (About the life cycle of a plant.)
Monday, May 25, 2020
5-26-20 Activities
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! We sure got lucky with great weather! :) I wanted to give you all a heads-up on changes for the next two weeks. All 2nd grade students will be given only two assignments each day: Science and Math. There will be no formal lessons for Reading and Writing. Instead, both will be done naturally within the Science lessons. (We've got some fun lessons planned for the unit we missed on Life Cycles.) Next week will be the last week we'll be working in our Math workbook. After that, students will be learning about fractions in a fun way! As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
I hope you all have a wonderful week,
Ms. Anderson
Unit 6 Lesson 13:
Opposite Operation to Check Answers
*Today you will practice addition and subtraction with 3-digit numbers, and use the relationship between the two to check your answers! (Remember those Math Mountains?)
- Turn to page 350 in your math workbook.
- Watch the video of Miss Mikle teaching you how to use the opposite operation to check your answers! Math U6.13 Relate Addition and Subtraction
- Finish page 350.
- Submit it to SeeSaw when you are done.
Day 1: Life Cycle of a Butterfly
- Watch the video from BrainPopJr to build background knowledge.
- Pick one or more books to read to learn more about the life of a butterfly!
- Go to EPIC and see books in the collection of the Life Cycle of Butterfly
- BookFlix - Waiting for Wings & Butterflies (Username: suamico Password: bookflix)
- Click on two or more links below to go deeper into your learning!
- DK - Butterfly Life Cycle (interactive diagram)
- DK - Caterpillar (Interactive diagram)
- YouTube Video - : Monarch Molting - 29 seconds
- Life Cycle of a Butterfly - Great Slideshow Presentation!
Do Assignment in SeeSaw: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Activity on SeeSaw------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Magic Schoolbus: Butterfly and the Bog Beast (This is on DE so students must log into google account to access video)
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